소식 게시글 상세 내용

SeMoCA Presents ⟪Beyond Adornment⟫, the First Large-Scale Showcase between Korea-Austria dedicated to Contemporary Jewellery on May 28


 Department in charge: Exhibition Planning Division, SeMoCA
(2024. 5. 27.)

SeMoCA Presents ⟪Beyond Adornment⟫,
the First Large-Scale Showcase between Korea-Austria dedicated to Contemporary Jewellery on May 28

 - The first large-scale contemporary jewellery exchange exhibition since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Austria
- Featuring a total of 675 representative works from 111 artist/artist teams of both countries
- Showcasing contemporary jewellery as a 'means of artistic expression' and an 'alternative communication medium' 
- The exhibition runs from May 28 through July 28, 2024, with free admission for all visitors and extended hours until 9:00 PM every Friday

Inquiry for Press Kit: Taeyoung Deborah Ban(taeyoung.ban@seoul.go.kr)